Sunday, January 22, 2023

Humans Are Capable Of Great Changes—Confidence In The Workplace And Beyond

 There is a widespread misperception that what others think of us matters greatly. Therefore, we spend a significant amount of our life energy trying to influence others' perceptions of us. We work hard to impress by getting the right house, the right car, the right clothes, and the right what have you. We defend, explain, and try to prove our worth, sometimes to people we don’t even know. We put up facades, strategize, and try to anticipate others' thoughts and actions while suppressing the authentic aspects of ourselves. Until one day, we can go on no more; our bodies signal to us that it had enough or we face a “catastrophic” life event. Sometimes we even miss those wake-up calls. We do everything we can to make them go away so that we can go back to business as usual, instead of leaning in and listening to what life may be trying to tell us.

The truth is, nothing outside of us can ever have any lasting—negative or positive—impact on us unless we allow it. The allowing generally happens subconsciously, when we are not self-aware and self-regulated. After all, we would not intentionally choose to let things affect us negatively.

If we experience an event that feels uncomfortable or disturbing, valuable lessons can be drawn from such events. Subsequently, all experiences can serve a meaningful purpose. If we refrain from labeling unpleasant events as negative and “need to be avoided in the future,” such events can help us grow in unimaginable ways.

What we think and how we feel about ourselves and the way we see the world is what determine our experiences. If we are not aware of this power within us, seemingly unpleasant events in life can leave us feeling weak and powerless, as if we are the victims of our environment.  

Role Of Confidence In The Workplace

Confidence is the most powerful trait of a person in all areas of life, including, but not limited to the workplace. It plays a major role in a person’s success. Let us first define confidence: confidence is what we think and how we feel about ourselves. The basis of confidence is trust; trusting ourselves and our abilities; believing that we can have, be, and achieve everything that we desire; knowing that we can cope with the challenges of life.

How we see others and the world also impacts our confidence. A healthy level of trust in others is technically a part of it. When we think negatively about others, it erodes trust in life and lowers overall confidence.

How we feel about ourselves also determines how others treat us. This is particularly critical in the workplace, where we spend the majority of our productive time. When we feel confident, others can easily pick up on it and (consciously or subconsciously) behave in self-fulfilling ways.

Therefore, if we believe that someone behaved inappropriately toward us, it is not sufficient to only communicate this to them. We also need to examine our underlying thoughts and emotions; the way we think and feel about ourselves and others. Also, unless we learn the lessons from any negative experience, we will draw similar experiences to us until the (empowering) lessons are learned. Naturally, that doesn’t mean that anyone is justified to ill-behave toward us. It just means that if we want to change how we are treated in any given situation, at work, in personal relationships, or any other situation, we also need to work on the way we think and feel about ourselves. If we do, the rewards are great. We become more and more confident. Life becomes more and more effortless, and we experience more joy.

High confidence comes with great benefits in the workplace: we are less likely to feel criticized or offended by others. In turn, we are less likely to criticize them. We are also more likely to be supportive of others and assume that they have good intentions. Meaning, confidence is one of the key factors that determine our success in the workplace. Moreover, our confidence impacts not only our experiences in the workplace but also the experience of others. In a nutshell, our state of being impacts the overall morale in our workplaces.  

Source Of Low Confidence: Negative Thoughts, Limiting Beliefs

A person can be super-confident in one or more areas and lack confidence in other areas. The cause of low confidence is usually underlying limiting beliefs and associated emotions.

A limiting belief is a deeply anchored negative thought; predominantly, in the subconscious mind. It runs like a software program. We acquire these beliefs in various ways. From our parents, teachers, television programs, movies, unpleasant life experiences, and what have you. Many negative beliefs we hold are not more than preconceived notions. We pick them up—consciously or subconsciously—throughout our lives, identify with them, and never stop to examine if they are (or ever were) true. They become a filter through which we see and respond to the world.

Improving Confidence Through Self-Observation And Tuning Into Positivity

We can identify our limiting beliefs through self-observation. Self-observation comes with surprising side effects. The humility that we bring up to observe and question our beliefs leads to something beautiful: we start to see a new world full of possibilities. Our hearts open and we become more joyful, seemingly, for no reason. However, identifying limiting beliefs and opening one’s self up to possibilities is not as easy as it may sound. It is also not an overnight phenomenon. It requires discipline and dedication; it is a practice rather than a one-time fix.  Limiting beliefs are often difficult to detect. Depending on their intensity, they have (strong, negative) emotions attached to them. They are anchored in our physiology. Releasing them can sometimes be associated with extreme discomfort. Not knowing what the discomfort may mean, we may not be able to do “the work.” After all, most of us were never taught how to sit with ourselves; how to observe our thoughts and emotions, and how to interpret what comes up.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” -Dr. Wayne Dyer

However, if we are willing to do the work, we do have the ability to improve our confidence, and subsequently, our lives. Self-observation, tuning into positivity, identifying and releasing negative thoughts, tuning off negativity, reframing the way we interpret events, and learning to self-regulate our thoughts and emotions are only a few of the many methods available.

Humans Are Capable Of Great Changes

We always knew that we are capable of great changes. However, until recently, we didn’t have sufficient information to know how to change. In the past, we made changes through trial and error; usually, learning difficult lessons the hard way. In the last decades, science has made significant strides in the neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics arena. Today, we have an immense amount of scientific information that explains how individual transformation works.

In the next decades, we are going to see major positive shifts in the way human beings operate as many of our old structures will crumble away and be replaced by new structures.

Without a doubt, together, as a species, we are already moving toward more wholeness, love, and understanding…


·         Dispenza, J. (2012). Breaking the habit of being yourself: how to lose your mind and create a new one. Carlsbad, Calif., Hay House.

·         Dispenza, J., & Boyce, A. (2014). You are the placebo: making your mind matter. [United States], Encephalon.

·         Hawkins, D. (2014). Letting go. The pathway of surrender. Carlsbad, Calif., Hay House.

·         Lipton, B. H. (2008). The biology of belief: unleashing the power of consciousness, matter & miracles. Carlsbad, Calif., Hay House.


Saturday, July 20, 2019


Regardless of our life circumstances, we are never alone and always alone... 

For the longest time, I admired animals for their ability to be unaffected by the conditioned mind...turns out humans can "get there" too...all we have to do is "simply" to wake up...

...the ultimate gift we can give each other is space...

...when I decluttered my house many years ago, I thought I had decluttered my life...little did I know that until you declutter your mind, you have not decluttered anything...

…we are often encouraged to seek feedback…the truth is, unless you are trying to copy someone, e.g. as required in the mainstream workplace, no one can give you feedback to “improve” what you are doing if you want to be authentic and true to yourself; no one...this is because no one knows you—chances are, neither do you…therefore, the “trick” is to be centered and to let life unfold…a scary thought for many, because it is contrary to the narratives we are told…contrary to the core of the society that wants to condition you…

We were taught to have a discourse/debate that one can allegedly “win”…however, there is no such thing as a discourse as we portray it because duality is an illusion…

…since I was a little girl, I often found myself questioning and then deconstructing narratives because most of them didn’t make sense to me… turns out, not only do they not make sense, they are, for the most part, not even worth deconstructing...they are merely the manifestation of an illusion of the masses…

Saturday, April 21, 2018

History--not Doomed, but Designed to Repeat

Learning from history--we are repeatedly told that we are to learn from history as not to repeat it; in order for history not to repeat itself, we would need to remove the hierarchical structures that cause all the suffering and misery in the first place… most humans will never stand for that, because they would need to take full responsibility for their own lives in that case, and that is so much harder than sheepishly following the herd, much harder than most of us think…therefore, human history is not only doomed to repeat itself, it is designed to repeat itself…

Seeking External Validation--LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and more...

External validation—LinkedIn is such a wonderful mirror of our human conditioning (so is facebook, instagram and the long list goes on); we put-up all kinds of profiles seeking external validation; in a way, like little children--where others get to endorse our “skills,” experience, “talents;” where we judge each other based on the blueprint of the society, based on what is desirable and what is not—while some people’s opinions about us matter more than others’… we all eat it up without ever questioning why we need external validation in the first place and who designated the criteria we are judged on and if they are justified or not. This is all understandable however, because regardless of right or wrong, it is so much more comfortable to follow a path that is already carved for everyone to walk on, than to venture out into an authentic new path that no one has walked on before…

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Sense of Duty, Human Hierarchies...

…you don't even need a leash to keep humans enslaved…they have such a sense of duty--they keep on coming back to serve other humans voluntarily…

Have you ever questioned how the arbitrary hierarchies at your job is serving you or affecting you?

Humans are the only species that “have to pay to eat” (Ralph Smart)...think about how profound the meaning of this statement is...

Arming Teachers...

..when children live in a society where adults have the audacity to suggest to arm teachers, I am wondering who is going to take care of our children; including the ones who are the potential shooters... no child grabs a gun and opens fire, unless something is going very, very wrong...

When Things Get Bad, Pray to Universe that they Get Worse....

When things are bad, pray to the universe and ask that they get worse; that they get so unbearable that you reach a breaking point and have no other option than to see the truth; the naked truth...and that is when life gets most interesting—changes start to happen and you move closer toward your true path...